Develop custom browser-based applications to store, process, and format various types of data
Adapt the journal-like weblog publishing format to use for ongoing information or periodical marketing newsletters; dynamically integrate blog content with other Website content
Publish informational or presentation pages to establish business presence on the Internet
A content-management system (CMS) provides a publishing platform to create, edit, and manage various kinds of Web content, electronic media, and files.
Compose copy/text for online and print media, including search-engine optimizations; formulate and refine message; edit for strategy, spelling, and grammar
Store an array of data types with appropriate levels of security, including electronic files, media files (image, audio, video), or sensitive financial/transactional data; organize and relate data
Display event information in various calendar formats and event detail pages; manage scalable inventory, including repeated events; integrate with other Web content
Create and manage discussion forums (also known as bulletin boards); manage members and levels of access; integrate dynamically with other Website content
Develop overall graphic design and design elements for multiple online and print media
Create and manage groups to define publishing/editorial roles and workflows; control levels of access to internal/external resources and content; manage individual users within such groups
Mobile Web design adapts to the reduced display environment, purpose-oriented content, or bandwidth limits of mobile and portable devices, even with fully featured smartphones and tablet devices. This kind of responsive Web design can scale down a full site or use dedicated templates, promoting major content in specific contexts and enabling functions such as commerce to be available on more devices, at more locations, at more times.
Manage multiple domains and subdomains from one CMS installation, allowing shared resources across sites
Publish periodic newsletters, with options to integrate with other Website content or e-mail newsletter campaign services
Publish and manage audio or video files, whether for display in browsers or for electronic distribution
Publish presentation pages to display product catalogues, albums, projects, case studies, and the like; provide organizational or categorical schemes to sort items
Incorporate a range of prototype models into the design process, from semi-functional wireframe sites to full XHTML/CSS–based models with high visual and functional fidelity
Qualitative and quantitative research and analysis in various areas of industry and knowledge
Syndicate content in the up-to-the-moment feed format -- easy-to-read, fast display, with versatile time-based sorting options
Perform keyword and phrase-matching searches on full or limited set of content, with sortable results. Custom search and results display of full numeric and string data set requires additional database development.
Display image media in a compatible, lightweight format, including custom rotational schemes and limited integration with photo-management services
Conduct commerce online; integrate with payment delivery systems, including major credit cards or PayPal; coordinate self-contained shopping carts with other Website content
Basic search-engine-friendly Web sites without database-driven content; suitable for small sites to establish Web presence
Restrict access to content based on periodic payment models